Better breathing, with Ella Reynolds

Better breathing, with Ella Reynolds

"Breath is the link between mind and body" — Dan Brule
Tuesday 9 February
4:00pm5:00pmUK time

Learn some practical, pleasing and energising breathing techniques to reduce our stress and increase our sense of focus and connection.

Breathing is one of our body’s most basic functions, and most essential to life. Scientific research reveals many benefits of slowing and connecting to our breath — from a reduction in stress and improving brain function to better sleeping patterns and greater focus in our working lives.

And with the rise in popularity of practices such as yoga, mindfulness and meditation — where breath-work is integral — awareness is increasing that our best tool for becoming more present, grounded and productive is right at our disposal, if we know how to take advantage of it.

What we'll cover:

Led by yoga and meditation teacher, and facilitator, Ella Reynolds — this bitesize 60-minute, remote session will open your eyes (and your lungs) the the power of your breath. You'll work through some simple, practical and proven techniques for connecting to our breath to achieve control and calm.

How the session will be structured:

We'll first explore the link between breathing well and feeling well, sharing our own experiences as a group, before working through a series of practical exercises that you'll be able to practice and make use of at home and at work.

Who the session is for:

Anyone keen to learn more about the power of breathing, and keen to learn simple but transformative approaches.

Tuesday 9 February
4:00pm5:00pmUK time

Good to know

Supporting resources

To support the session you'll also get access to some helpful resources, and breathing exercises, to help you revisit and deepen your learning.

Content ellaennismore
Also led by Ella...

Ella leads our Strategies for Stress session, which includes elements of breathing practice and builds well on what's covered in this one.

Super Awesome
Brought to your team

We can deliver this session directly into teams, wherever they're working from. Find out more about our tailored partnerships here.