Your next-gen learning partner

We help modern managers and teams to build in-demand skills for work today. Our formula? An evidence-based blend of personalised insights, timely resources and social experiences — all measured against your cultural and commercial priorities.

Growing together
Growing together

From foodie favourites to FTSE 100 firms, detail-loving design studios to scaling tech-stars — our partners can connect the continuous development of their managers and teams to their cultural and commercial success. Sharing learning across this community is central to our approach.

Our community

Our focus and expertise

Seen our campaign and keen to learn more?
Seen our campaign and keen to learn more?

Drop us a line to fix a time to speak to a subject expert. We can share more from both sides, offer our perspective and arm you with all you need to know. Email Nick, YCN Director, as next step.

Head and shoulders above any other training and development partner in terms of relevance and originality

Andy O'Callaghan. People Director, Dishoom

New and noteworthy

Enriching the 1-1. Join an open, virtual session
Enriching the 1-1. Join an open, virtual session

Led by YCN Director Nick Defty and YCN coach and business psychologist Sarah Naidoo-Banks on the 29th July, we'll share proven, practical and performance-enhancing tools to transform 1-1s — testing them out together, and inspiring onwards experimentation in your teams. We'll link it all to our ARC of engagement framework, connecting into fundamental drivers of motivation.

Join us!
Building a learning culture
Building a learning culture

In the short film shared below, MCM Managing Director Shannon shares insights with YCN Director Nick on the impact of a blended approach to continuous learning, throughout their architectural practice. Aligning to company values, and recognising the roles of managers and peers in stimulating discovery and application are key.

Coaches answering coaching questions

Episode #4 Louise Hedges