Motivating training for modern marketers
Since 2018 we've supported continual learning throughout the Marketing and Reader Revenue teams at The Guardian newspaper, blending team-wide access to our self-directed learning platform with targeted, topic specific workshops delivered virtually and in-person around live and timely team challenges.
Alongside this, managers within the team have been upskilled through our Open Manager Cohorts, and new team members supported through participation in our Early Careers Accelerator.
Partnership headlines
Page-turning impact
• Over 90% of department members engaging with platform content more than 3 times a month.
• Over 65 micro-learning course completions on average per month.
• 100% team attendance at internal workshops delivered.
• 100% of internal workshop participants responding 'Yes, Definitely' to 'Have you learned relevant new skills you can now apply within your teams?'
• 100% of managers participating in Open Manager Cohorts answering ’Yes, Definitely’ to 'Would you recommend the programme to other managers within the department?'