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Open Manager Cohorts

Purposeful, practical, peer-led learning

A social and experimental space in which to rapidly build your confidence to lead and manage others. Expertly guided through our Core Four modules; you'll learn among a cohort of supportive peers, arm yourself with proven practical tools and commit to action together.

Join coming cohorts

For people-managers who:

• Are just getting going and want to get it right
• Have been managing for a while, but feel they never covered the core skills
• Have recently been promoted, and are feeling the shift in expectation
• Value continual, action-oriented learning
• Enjoy learning, and sharing among peers

Really immersive, virtual learning
Really immersive, virtual learning

From tactile physical elements direct to your doormat, to collaborative and interactive workshop environments — we've designed a hands-on, lean in learning experience that participants love, and that arms everyone with timely tools to experiment with right away.

The Core Four

The modules you'll collaboratively explore

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1. Strengths and Styles

Raising self-awareness of our strengths and stylistic tendencies is an excellent starting point on the journey towards authentic, effective management. A key concept to grasp is that there's a range of styles available to us, and they'll need to be flexed deliberately across different relational situations. And when we intentionally notice the strengths and preferences of others along the way, we supersize engagement and performance.

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2. The Coach Approach

From all of the styles available in our toolkit as managers, a coaching approach is arguably the one reached for most frequently in modern, distributed teams. This approach becomes pivotal for combining with other styles, and enabling 'connection before direction'. In this module our focus is on elevating listening skills, and encouraging a bias towards open, curious questioning. Quick wins abound in boosting the autonomy, decision making and confidence in our teams.

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3. Leading with Feedback

Development-minded managers must master (and model) the practice of providing feedback frequently for others, and requesting it effectively for themselves. Encouraging a little-and-often approach that weights towards descriptively noticing what's working well is key, reinforcing a strengths-based emphasis and creating ample opportunities to practice both affiliative and directive leadership styles.

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4. Connected Conversations

Our work with thousands of managers has revealed the importance of establishing a realistic cadence for the different kinds of performance conversations had with team-members — and with a regular, predictable 1-1 protected in calendars. This kind of conversation 'connects' informal check-ins with fuller performance reviews, and also offers the manager a chance to 'connect' into goals, values, strengths, development and other levers for motivation.

The Programme on a page

Eight transformative weeks

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The programme journey


Enable yourself to enable others

Programme principles

Peer-led learning

Participants work and learn among supportive cohorts of peers; contracting around social learning principles, working together in the service of each others' development — and with group accountability baked in.

The action's in-between

Buddies, mini-missions, reflection prompts, transfer tasks and other social touches ensure that everything covered is put into glorious practice, with each new session beginning with a check in on what's changed since last time.

Nudge, nudge. Think, think

Tailored bursts of micro-learning support the live group experiences; served up in brain friendly, bite-size doses between them. The invitation is to continually try and apply new tactics, mindsets and experiments within real team and relational contexts.

Community based, lifelong learning

Participants join our super-active alumni community of practice — continually invited to benefit from a thriving ongoing calendar of coaching circles, live events and digital learning opportunities.

“Unlike any development programme I’ve taken part in before. This felt more like a series of powerful conversations that fundamentally changed how I think about my work and my style as a manager.“

Daniel, StudioXAG
Costs and learning more
Costs and learning more

We've enabled thousands of managers at hundreds of partner organisations including: GiffGaff, The Modern House, Universal Records, Koto, Frieze, Cubitts, Shelter, The V&A Museum, Farfetch, Action for Children, Scope, Pip & Nut, The Trainline, Getty Images and many, many more. To learn more about pricing options, or if you've any questions — email hello@ycn.org or call + 44 (0)20 7033 2140.