Enabling modern leaders, one tool at a time
A low-cost, high-impact antidote to traditional development approaches — with an emphasis on human data, everyday experimentation and sharing what's working with peers. And you can take part individually, or scale for hundreds of managers.

LeaderLab: Opting in to instant impact
YCN Director Nick shares our insights and inspirations.
The elements of development
Whether run in-company or cross-organisationally, LeaderLabs are opt-in for participants, creating the first in a number of small 'commitment devices'. We begin by gathering 'human data' through reflection prompts for participants, and with short, smart surveys shared with key colleagues they nominate. A personalised picture of perceived effectiveness emerges — shared back to prioritise focus, motivate action and enable meaningful measurability. And we're off 🚀
Digital and tactile physical tools — each linked to singular priority behaviours — are shared directly. Each immediately helps managers to test these key behaviours, from contracting conversations to connected language, at their own pace in the flow of work. Bitesize videos of the tools and techniques being modelled help experimentation, and the experience of quick wins in teams. We think in terms of 'behavioural building blocks', with every new tool connecting to what's gone before.
Experienced cross-organisationally or with colleagues from their own organisation, peer-coaching relationships and action learning sets enable reflection, discussion and sharing the impact of new skills and tools being experimenting with. These safe, supportive and social spaces encourage managers to test and learn together — creating accountability for further action back in their teams.
Enabling leaders at all levels
Often stepping up through their individual performance, but not set up to succeed as a manager. Challenges come thick and fast.
Rising stars across departments, hungry for skills that will fuel their progression, with real currency placed on coaching capability.
This group will be navigating competing demands with long-established leadership behaviours. It's key they're open to continuous learning.
The LeaderLab's focus is continually informed by the managers we're experimenting with across organisations of all shapes and sizes every day. From scaling tech stars to fast food favourites; creative agencies to amazing charities, cross-organisational peer learning — sharing what's working across the community — is key to its evolution.