Building Confidence

Building Confidence

“It's easier to act yourself into a new way of feeling than to feel yourself into a new way of acting.” — Harry Stack Sullivan
Personal Effectiveness
Tuesday 14 November
4:00pm5:30pmUK time

An often elusive feeling, confidence is something we can all learn, practice and intentionally improve. In this session we'll demystify the idea of confidence and pursue practices for getting more of it.

When you think of someone you'd describe as being confident, what kind of qualities do you imagine? Are they articulate? Possessing a sense of gravitas? An extrovert? Confidence is a concept that we can struggle to agree on a consistent definition of. But what's often familiar is that first-hand feeling of lacking confidence at moments that matter. And it’s likely something that we’d like to have more of, rather than less of.

The good news is that confidence can be learned, practised and flexed with intention. Because as Harry Stack Sullivan memorably said: “It’s easier to act yourself into a new way of feeling than to feel yourself into a new way of acting.”

Core content covered:

• The case for confidence at work
• Dealing with our confidence saboteurs

• Linking our strengths to our self-esteem
• Keeping action-oriented
• The words we choose to use

How the session will be structured:

Confidently led by a YCN facilitator, we'll combine an energising mix of input, discussion and practicing new approaches together in smaller breakout groups

Tuesday 14 November
4:00pm5:30pmUK time
Want to see the session slides in advance?
Want to see the session slides in advance?

You'll find those here, downloadable as a PDF. And following the session you'll receive a course pack with additionally helpful tools, checklists and other curated resources.

Download the slides
Want to get going right away?
Want to get going right away?

Our five day Building Confidence micro-learning course will arm you with some instantly applicable tools, tactics and other tested techniques for experimenting around your confidence throughout the course of a week.

Sign up, and see what sticks