Play the Game of GROW

Play the Game of GROW

Personal Effectiveness
Thursday 17 March
4:00pm5:00pmUK time

For those keen to practice and apply a proven model for goal-focussed coaching and performance conversations, this 60 minute session provides a playful and purposeful way to do so among peers — and with real individual challenges in mind.

The GROW model offers a popular, proven and memorable tool for all kinds of coaching and goal-oriented relationships and conversations.

Created in the 1980s by business coaches Sir John Whitmore, Graham Alexander and Alan Fine; GROW provides a stepped, conversational framework for goal setting and problem solving — keeping the focus on the end point where someone wants to be (GOAL), the current situation or context around it (REALITY), opportunities for making progress (OPTIONS) and practical next steps (WAY FORWARD).

As with many simple approaches; a colleague, coach, manager or mentor using GROW can apply different degrees of experience and emphasis throughout — but the basic approach always adheres the the four key steps. Part of the skill when using the GROW model is in flexing the right kind of questioning and listening skills; and managing a blend of coaching and mentoring to get the right blend of reflecting and directing for whoever you're working with.

The game of GROW is a simple, purposeful and playful tool we've developed to help people practice the application of the GROW model; while also working through some of their current live challenges (win, win!). A series of provocations and prompts are provided, guiding pairs and trios through the process; practicing curious questioning and active listening as they go.

This coming 60 minute session is all about playing the Game of GROW, sharpening those coaching skills and in the process shining some light on next steps (and teasing out some breakthroughs) in relation to the individual challenges and opportunities of those along.

Game Grow Cards
We'll share a digital version of the Game of GROW to revisit and play with your teams

How the session will be structured:

Led by a coach and facilitator with lots of experience using the GROW model, we'll collectively refresh on the GROW model and some best practice in applying it, before breaking into a series of trios to play the game and practice the model; taking it in turns to be coach, coachee and observer.

Who the session's for:

Anyone keen to make new or better use of the GROW model in their teams and 1-1 relationships, whether people-managers already applying it and keen to refresh, or those entirely new to the tool and open to a playful insight into its power and purpose.

Thursday 17 March
4:00pm5:00pmUK time

Good to know on GROW

FTL friday 0003
Nudge nudge

If you'd like them, we'll share three timely emails in the weeks that follow the session to support you in applying what you've learned.

PD Pchat
Build a coaching culture

We can deliver this session and broader programmes on coaching skills directly into teams, wherever they're working from. Find out more about our tailored partnerships here.