In conversation: Fortitude. Unlocking the Secrets of Inner Strength — with Bruce Daisley
In his brand new book Fortitude; author, podcaster and workplace culture enthusiast Bruce Daisley debunks popular perceptions of resilience, dismantling the unhelpful notion that it's down to us to build it alone. For Bruce, resilience comes from the support of those around us, and the intentional design of the cultures in which we work. In this coming conversational session he'll share evidence to back up his thinking, and offer us practical and enlightening exercises to try for ourselves and take back to our teams.
Rethinking resilience
We're often led to believe that if we want to be successful in life we have to be tough and that it's on us to build the resilience and 'bounce-back-ability' needed to withstand the inevitable turbulence in modern work and life.
Bruce Daisley thinks this is simply untrue. In his new book, the Sunday Times bestselling author of The Joy of Work challenges conventional notions of resilience — the 'resilience orthodoxy' as he calls it — and puts forward an altogether more social path for positively building our self-confidence and tenacity. He calls it Fortitude.
In Fortitude, Bruce sets out to debunk myths that resilience can be built in isolation, and proves that courage and inner strength come mainly from those around us.
A positive, practical 60 minutes
In this punchy and conversational session led by Bruce; we'll dig into his thinking, stress test the science behind it and arm ourselves with some actionable principles shared in the pages of Fortitude, to experiment with in our teams.
We were last joined by Bruce, way before anyone had head of COVID 19; for a warm, humorous and highly practical session around the thinking in his first book The Joy of Work — and are really looking forward to welcoming him back to challenge our thinking one again.
We'd love to have you along.
How the session will be structured
Bruce will begin by setting out some of the key thinking in Fortitude, and taking us through some of the practical principles within it. We'll then open up the conversation among those along; pulling perspectives and putting our own thoughts, ideas and challenges into the middle.
Praise for Fortitude
"A fascinating and important pushback against the narrow, joy-eroding version of 'resilience' that would leave us to sink or swim alone, Fortitude is an indispensable guide to a more energising, human, and effective approach to working and thriving in a post-pandemic world"
Oliver Burkeman
“Fortitude explores and validates what most of us who work with people feel in our gut when it comes to debunking doctrine about resilience and singular toughness. A fantastic contribution.”
Dr Pippa Grange
‘A book that confirms what I've always believed, that we can't be resilient on our own. In fact resilience is about all of us being stronger than any of us’
Gary Lineker
‘A fascinating analysis of resilience - what it is, what is isn’t and why, when we develop it together, it becomes something better and more important, fortitude. It seems that resilience is a team game.’
Alastair Campbell