Behavioural Design Lab — November

Behavioural Design Lab — November

“The first misconception is that it is possible to avoid influencing people’s choices.” ― Richard H. Thaler, Nudge.
Creative Thinking
Monday 22 November
4:00pm5:30pmUK time

This collaborative session is all about discovering and decoding the potential of behavioural insights — and immediately experimenting with their application to our real-world decisions, relationships and opportunities.

We may believe we're acting perfectly rationally, but the reality is a lot more interesting. The school of behavioural economics helps us understand how people make decisions, and how to purposefully influence the way these decisions are made. When smartly applying behavioural thinking you become an architect for the choices of others.

Over an energising and interactive 90-minutes — we'll get under the skin of behavioural thinking — looking at the world from a different perspective, and learning how to create big shifts in outcomes by designing, and deploying small behavioural 'nudges'.

By first discovering, and deconstructing, practical case studies, we'll quickly get up to speed on the 'why' and 'how' of behavioural principles. We'll then get hands on with our own behavioural experiments and equip ourselves with smart tools and techniques to take back to our own product, service and relationship challenges.

What we'll cover:

• Understanding how people make decisions and the forces at play.
• Examining the ethics at play.
• Introducing a toolkit of behavioural bites, and experimenting with them.
• Defining the key behavioural drivers at the beginning of a project.
• Working collaboratively to apply what we've discovered.

In your supporting course pack you'll find the sessions slides and other helpful resources

How the session will be structured:

We'll examining some examples of behavioural design in practice, work through digestible behavioural principles and get hands on with some live behavioural design challenges that bring it all together.

Who the session's for:

Anyone keen to expand their knowledge of behavioural thinking, take away practical behavioural principles to apply in their own work and collaborate with others in the process.

Monday 22 November
4:00pm5:30pmUK time

Good to know

Course pack

Participate in this session and you'll also get access to a supporting bitesize course pack with lots of helpfully curated digital resources for digging deeper into the topic.

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Nudge nudge

Fittingly — and if you'd like them, we'll share some timely nudges in the weeks that follow the session to support you in applying what you've learned.

Super Awesome
Behavioural design in your team

We can deliver this session directly into teams, wherever they're working from. Find out more about our tailored partnerships here.