Micro-learning: Critical Thinking

"My father used to say 'Don't raise your voice, improve your argument.' "
Critical Thinking. Five doses of action oriented insight
What does it really mean to think well? To be more strategic or more critical in our thinking? For Dr Tom Chatfield — a British author, independent scholar and philosopher of technology — critical thinking is a set of techniques. And, the good news is, we can all learn them.
We've teamed up with Tom to prove just that. Within this enlightening and brain-friendly micro-learning course, we'll serve up five provocative and practical doses of thinking — ideas to inspire discovery, reflection and action in relation to the challenges most relevant to you right now. Much is drawn from Tom's best-selling books, Critical Thinking and How to Think.
Over five consecutive days, we'll break down the topic into challenging chaptered chunks served simply via email, easily digested, and designed to be experimented with immediately.
Together we'll cover:
• The power of pausing
• Curiosity, not confirmation.
• Building steel men instead of straw men
• Reframing key questions
• Coming up with good explanations
Collectively they'll compound and deepen your understanding on thinking well; arming you with powerful tools for taking your thoughts, arguments and influence to the next level.
Just sign up below to get going.