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Course Pack: Storytelling

Supporting resources
Listen: How to Develop Your Storytelling Skills with Bobette Buster (Squiggly Careers)
On this episode of the Squiggly Careers Podcast, Sarah Ellis - friend of YCN and co-founder of careers coaching keystone Amazing If - unpacks the need for authenticity and a created shared experience in story with the one and only Bobette Buster.
Read: Wired for Story, by Lisa Cron
Ever wanted to know exactly what an audience is thinking? What they really want from a story? Well this revealing read from lecturer, writer and story consultant to Warner Bros, Lisa Cron, backs up its practical points on storytelling with hard neuroscientific data. It’s the best cheat-sheet you could ask for.
Watch: How Great Leaders use Storytelling
How did leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. or Steve Jobs tell stories that moved the world? Presentation expert Nancy Duarte has the answer - rhythm. In this 2007 lecture, Duarte steps out the common structure and shared flow of the stories and speeches that hit audiences hardest.
Read: Made to Stick, by Chip and Dan Heath
A practical, evidence backed read on creating ideas and telling stories that stick in the mind like gum on shoes, by veteran sibling bestselling authors Chip and Dan Heath.
Watch: The Clues to a Great Story (TED)
Who better to give advice on storytelling than the man who wrote Finding Nemo, WALL-E and all four Toy Storys? Andrew Stanton’s TED talk clocks in at just below twenty minutes, but there’s not a wasted word in it; each moment is jam-packed with indispensable advice on creating drama, moving an audience, and telling your story so people will listen.
Do Story. How to tell your story so the world listens

Bobette Buster's punchy and enlightening publication Do: Story is a goldmine of practical pointers for storytelling at work, in presentations, in any and all contexts. In a recently added resource, we share her 10 core principles for successful storytelling and five key takeaways from the book for you to experiment with.
And there's more...
Try: Take a tactical approach to telling your story with the Root > Stem > Branch tool.
Read: A classic take on the topic, in The Leaders Guide to Storytelling, Stephen Denning covers some broad and evergreen ground for greater confidence when shaping and sharing stories...
Which includes...